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How Hotel Security Systems Help Guests Feel Safe Away from Home

Security systems are no longer in the realm of extravagance and luxury – they are essential tools in improving the facility’s security and also indispensable for making guests feel safe. While security is crucial for any hotel, hotels are facilities dedicated to leisure and relaxation, therefore any security measure implemented on the premises needs to be discreet, too.

security camera system in Colorado

Complex security systems, that include video surveillance as well as access control and other subsystems are the preferred solution in most hotels, appreciated for being able to fulfill both roles: maintaining safety and discretion at the same time. Here are the features and components that advanced hotel security systems should include:

  • Video cameras – whether placed conspicuously or hidden, a complex security camera system in Colorado should be set up so it can provide a view of all the important areas of building, including the hallways, the basement, the parking lot, the reception area, the laundry room and the kitchen;
  • Key cards – the metal objects we all know are used less and less in hotels, their place being taken by key cards that open the doors electronically and many of which can also be configured to transmit the time when the key was used to a computer;
  • Fire alarms, smoke detectors and emergency power supply – these systems should also be integrated into complex security systems.


Picture of Fred Frazier
Fred Frazier

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