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Do All Retail Stores Have Surveillance Cameras?

Installing surveillance cameras is a convenient method to ensure security or, at least, to document any unwanted event, including burglary, robbery and theft. The usage of security systems using surveillance cameras is widespread and preferred by large and small retail shops for their affordability, customization, and for the low maintenance required by these systems as well as for the quality of the recorded footages.

Colorado security camera system

Despite these benefits, not all retail stores have surveillance cameras, even though they should – here are some further benefits to convince store owners who don’t use CCTV yet to get an efficient security camera system in Colorado retail locations:

  • A great deterrent for shoplifters and burglars – most burglars and shoplifters check the shop that they want to steal from before they actually engage into any illegal behaviour and they prefer to stay away from stores where they can be recorded during the act;
  • Monitoring employee behaviour – surveillance cameras can help you find out about the quality of your employees’ work and they can motivate your employees to observe the rules and policies in place as well;
  • Reduced insurance costs – retail shops that have surveillance camera systems installed are less likely to get broken into or burgled, therefore many insurers offer insurance premium discounts to stores that use such advanced security solutions.
Picture of Fred Frazier
Fred Frazier

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