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Do People Act Differently When They See Surveillance Cameras?


The benefits of surveillance cameras are known to go way beyond recording events that take place in front of the cameras – they also have a very important deterrent effect, convincing people of criminal intent approaching the property or already on the premises that they should not attempt any unauthorized activity.

security camera system in Colorado

Here is how surveillance cameras change people’s behaviour:

  • Scientific evidence – several important research institutions have carried out studies into the way that people react to the presence of surveillance cameras and all of them found that criminal behaviour has been considerably reduced in the areas monitored with surveillance cameras;
  • A deterrent for employee theft – there is evidence that a security camera system in Colorado can reduce theft committed by employees by about 24%;
  • A deterrent for illegal activities perpetrated by outsiders – surveillance cameras are the most efficient tools for deterring theft, burglary and vandalism as well. Before committing their crimes, most criminals observe the building they are planning to break into. If you have a properly designed camera system, what the criminals notice first will be your security cameras and that will make them think twice before attempting the theft or the burglary;
  • Increased productivity – surveillance cameras also make work more productive in your company – most people reduce the time they spend surfing on the internet aimlessly or chatting with friends if they know they are being watched.
Picture of Fred Frazier
Fred Frazier

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