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Tips for Identifying the Best Security Cameras for Your School

Ensuring that students, the teachers, the other members of the school staff as well as the visitors to your school feel safe while on the premises is essential not only for the success of the educational process, but for your school’s reputation as well.

school security camera systems will help keep your school and students safe

The best way to achieve such safety and security is by means of internal and external surveillance through videos – here are some tips about what to look for when choosing your cameras:

  • Look for both fixed and rotating-tilting cameras – fixed cameras work best in areas where you have expensive assets that need targeted surveillance, while cameras that have a wide angle of movement work best in areas that get heavy traffic;
  • Use external cameras to monitor the parking area – they will ensure that students and school staff can use the space safely;
  • Use high resolution cameras at exit points – high resolution school security camera systems installed at exit areas are an efficient deterrent from truancy in themselves, but you need those cameras to provide high-quality images to identify the students who leave the school when they should be in the classroom;
  • Determine the best storage option – security cameras can store the recorded footages in many ways, including external hard drives and the cloud, so figure out the method that works best for you.
Picture of Fred Frazier
Fred Frazier

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