Retail theft is an old phenomenon that many traders without security systems have been facing for years. Here are a few simple steps to ensure better security in your store.
Keep the store well-organized. From a crowded and messy store it is much easier to steal something than from a tidy and organized store. If all the products are carefully arranged on shelves, it will be easy to identify when a product is stolen.
Consider the design of your store. Remove all unnecessary items that might obstruct visibility (false walls, shelves positioned in the wrong places). Also provide adequate lighting in the store and make it so that clients can only come out through a magnetic check gate.
Hiring a security agent (or a security and protection firm) is the most effective way to reduce retail theft. Security agents act as effective deterrents for thieves and will also act quickly and efficiently in the case of a robbery.
Last but not least, having theft prevention retail store security cameras installed in the store is also extremely important. Put signs and inscriptions in sight, to warn the customers that the store is video monitored. The cameras will not stop all thieves, but they are a real help in identifying them.