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Why Surveillance Cameras in Schools are Necessary

We know only too well that in school bad things can happen, just like in other locations. We often watch news about all kind of incidents in schools, from vandalism and drug use, to physical violence, sometimes involving weapons.

surveillance cameras in schools

In this context, the importance of surveillance cameras in schools is undeniable. Surveillance cameras are the best way to provide a safer, more secure, environment.

Statistics show that the education sector spent $2.7 billion last year, for security equipment and services and this number is expected to grow up to $2.8 billion in the next 2-3 years.

The best surveillance cameras in schools to improve safety include facial recognition, identity management as well as high-security access doors, and most of them also come with an integrated motion-sensor technology. These technologies can help deter crime, prevent unwanted break-ins as well as illicit behaviors of students. Cameras can cover the entire school perimeter and include parking lots and other places (including off-limit areas) where people might gather.

Keeping an eye on the entire campus in real-time is a big advantage in the prevention of violence and keep students and staff safe. Video surveillance cameras are also very helpful to authorities, if an incident does occur; improving the reaction time of the authorities is definitely one of the biggest pros.

Picture of Fred Frazier
Fred Frazier

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