Theft can affect any business and can come from outside your business as well as from the inside. While theft cannot be entirely prevented – there will always be resourceful thieves who know how to grab an opportunity when they see it –, there are many ways to greatly reduce the risk of asset and inventory shrinkage due to theft. Here are some:
- Implement a rigorous inventory-keeping system – implementing a system that records exactly who has accessed a certain piece of merchandise, who handled a specific order is the first step towards stopping theft from the inside;
- Install a security system – the best small business security systems is the one that combines security cameras installed in strategic locations as well as access and exit control. Security cameras as well as the other security devices are known to be instrumental not only when your business has become the victim of a crime, but also as a deterrent, that’s why having cameras in visible places is essential, on the premises and monitoring the space outside your business are also very important;
- Educate your employees – if you are the owner of a retail business and your shop has been affected by shoplifting, a great way to prevent theft by your customers is to teach your employees how to identify suspicious behaviour and how to prevent shoplifting.