Why are some cameras $50 and others are $250? There are quite a few things that are different in high quality cameras including CMOS size and manufacturer, size of pickup, quality of glass lens, motorized zoom and focus, IR distance, weather proof-vandal proof, noise reduction, sensitivity-low light and WDR. True WDS is the cameras ability to differentiate between dark parts of the picture and light parts of the picture. When the scene is evenly lit a cheap camera will look pretty good. When you have a light bulb, window or sun in part of the picture WDR enables the camera to have an evenly lit picture. This goes to show the old adage that “you get what you pay for”.
Since Visual Security has our cameras built for us with no importer or distributor we can sell a camera for $250 when a competing high end camera may cost $900. Compare these pictures shot from the same location at the same time. The difference is obvious. Call Visual Security today for a free demonstration of our Industrial quality cameras.