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Security Checklist for Your Construction Site

Install construction site security cameras

Construction sites are places where there are lots of valuable assets stored, where high-capacity machines are being operated and where multiple teams are performing complex activities – in other words, construction sites are places where security rules are essential for problem-free operation. Here is a checklist for ensuring security within the premises:

  • Create a job security plan – each construction is different, therefore a different job security plan is required for each sote;
  • Asset tracking – create an inventory of all the assets on the site and keep track of them for the duration of the construction;
  • Assess the specific requirements of the construction site and install a perimeter fence around the area, making sure that the fence is of the right type and height;
  • All mobile assets need to be safely locked away when not in use;
  • Use a single access point to the premises and monitor all access and exit through that point;
  • Use flood lighting to illuminate the area during the night;
  • Use construction site security cameras to monitor all activity on the job site. Install construction site security cameras that have the capacity to trigger alerts when detecting unusual or suspicious activity or events on the site.
Picture of Fred Frazier
Fred Frazier

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