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Why Surveillance Systems are a Must for Day Care Facilities

With the increase of violence in daycare facilities, directed against students and teachers alike, finding ways to stop it has become a priority; therefore, the demand for video surveillance equipment increased proportionally. Video surveillance systems have now become indispensable, the recorded image being sometimes the only evidence of an incident.

Benefits of installing a daycare camera surveillance video system in day care facilities:

  • Enhancing the safety of students and teaching staff
  • Restricting access to school premises
  • Increasing control over entry and exit from the perimeter of the daycare institution
  • Eliminating potential material losses caused by unforeseen events
  • Preventing potential acts of violence

daycare camera surveillance video system Important aspects to keep in mind

  • Identifying potentially problematic areas – these will include the perimeter of the building, the institution`s park and the areas where people usually gather together, such as corridors, playgrounds, canteen areas and private study rooms.
  • Applying the right solutions-one of the most effective solutions is installing video surveillance cameras in different areas of the daycare facility, to combat violent and antisocial behavior.
  • Correct placement of the CCTV system – this will ensure the proper and efficient operation of surveillance cameras, help deter violence and also provide useful information for investigating the causes of incidents.
Picture of Fred Frazier
Fred Frazier

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