Most traders who own one or more retail stores where there are people, goods and money all the time, face the risk of theft, an action that requires a permanent prevention activity from the part of a responsible manager.
Electronic anti-theft systems are already widely used, especially in retail, in stores of all sizes because they are designed to offer a multitude of functions, allowing everyone to choose the solution that suits perfectly their retail shop.
Besides, here are some useful tips for retail shop managers:
You need both a security guard and effective small business security systems to be able to monitor people who wander through the store apparently with no interest, but who may hide under their clothes various products that they attempt to steal. These people must be observed, without being harassed, until you either notice that they are actually ok, or until they are caught red-handed. In stores that sell clothes there are test booths that also require careful supervising. Staff must not allow access in a the test booth with more than one single assortment of clothing.
Districts with high-value items such as jewelry or electronics must be located as far from the store entry as possible, placed behind counters, and property illuminated.